• A 12 months post-doctoral position is available in SIMaP in partnership with Institut Néel in Grenoble.

    Title: "Optimal compositions for Multicaloric materials: ferromagnetic memory shape alloys (NiMnXY)"

    Project: The project aims at developping new compositions for ferromagnetic shape memory alloys with multifunctional properties enabling new energy conversion process (mechanical / magnetic). These materials target energy reduction scheme for cooling devices (multicaloric properties (magneto/elasto)). Heusler based alloys NiMn(InX, X=Co, Cu, Fe...) exhibit exceptional properties, including the absence of rare earth elements. Multicaloric effects and the phase transition temperature (close to room temperature) are very sensitive to alloy composition. Dissipation during hysteresis cycle have to be decreased. These dissipations are due to structural effects allowing lattice strain accomodation between the phases during the (austenite-martensitic) transformation. Moreover, intermetallic NiMnXY phases are very fragile (grain boundary decohesion) and difficult to shape (lack of crystal plasticity and strong anisotropy of properties).

    Please send Curriculum and recommandation letters to:

    Marc VERDIER : marc.verdier@grenoble-inp.fr - SIMaP

    Laureline PORCAR : laureline.porcar@neel.cnrs.fr - Institut Néel

    More information can be found in the document below : (Fr & En)

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  • The 2018 Mecano school is going on in Cargèse (Corsica). Despite the passage of storm Adrian which interrupted the lectures for a few hours, those have resumed, safely.

    Tutorials are accessible for participants and on request from the Mecano network  on the conference website (Tutorials) or directly at https://mycore.core-cloud.net/index.php/s/QP4LegLI7mLmo4S  (password needed).

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  • Title: "Fatigue damage in titanium alloy. Experimental Characterisation and Modelling."

    A post-doctoral position (18 month) is available in CIRIMAT Toulouse, in a collaborative framework with SAFRAN Nacelles. This position is related to a PhD study conducted in CIRIMAT on the evolution of microstructure and mechanical behaviour of a titanium alloy after ageing at high temperature under air.


    The project for this post doctoral position aims to better understand and predict fatigue damage after ageing. Damage mechanisms in this Ti alloy will be first studied through a literature survey and by the analysis of fatigue tests results already performed in the laboratory (analysis of fatigue curves, characterisation of ruptured specimens, complementary fatigue tests is necessary)and in the industrial partner. A predictive numerical model for the evolution of fatigue damage depending on ageing conditions will then be developed. This model, based on observed mechanisms, will be calibrated using experimental available in Safran data bases.

    Position is already open, send Curriculum and recommandation letters to:

    Bernard Viguier - Bernard.viguier@ensiacet.fr - CIRIMAT

    Anne Mahieu - anne.mahieu@safrangroup.com - Safran Nacelles

    More information on requirements and subject are available in the document (Fr and En) below :


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